The below is a summary of all the libraries Nick mentions in his video.
Purpose | Open-Source Package | Microsoft Alternative |
Messaging/Eventing framework | MassTransit Wolverine (NServiceBus, Rebus too but they are not mentioned in the video) | Upcoming Microsoft Eventing Framework (possibly in .NET 10) |
Lightweight Web Framework for building APIs | Nancy FX (Archived) Carter | ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs |
OpenAPI Documentation Generation | Swashbuckle (Swagger) | ASP.NET Core OpenAPI Support |
JSON Serialization | Newtonsoft.Json | System.Text.Json |
Dependency Injection Container | Autofac Lamar Ninject Unity (DI Framework) | Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection |
Hybrid (Local + Distributed) Caching Library | FusionCache | Microsoft Hybrid Cache (Upcoming in ASP.NET Core) |
Actor Model Framework | Akka.NET | Orleans |