You will be assimilated: Microsoft implementations of formerly popular OSS libraries

The below is a summary of all the libraries Nick mentions in his video.

PurposeOpen-Source PackageMicrosoft Alternative
Messaging/Eventing frameworkMassTransit

(NServiceBus, Rebus too but they are not mentioned in the video)
Upcoming Microsoft Eventing Framework (possibly in .NET 10)
Lightweight Web Framework for building APIsNancy FX (Archived)
ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs
OpenAPI Documentation GenerationSwashbuckle (Swagger)ASP.NET Core OpenAPI Support
JSON SerializationNewtonsoft.JsonSystem.Text.Json
Dependency Injection ContainerAutofac
Unity (DI Framework)
Hybrid (Local + Distributed) Caching LibraryFusionCacheMicrosoft Hybrid Cache (Upcoming in ASP.NET Core)
Actor Model FrameworkAkka.NETOrleans

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