Sentix Long Term Investor Trends

The Sentix Index is a well-known economic indicator used primarily in the Eurozone. It measures investor sentiment and is based on surveys conducted with investors and analysts. The index provides insights into the economic outlook of the Eurozone and can influence financial markets, as it reflects participants’ views on economic conditions, both current and future.

I recently looked at it a bit longer term, and intuitively had a feel for the ups and downs, but did want to quiz ChatGPT about it. I’d say it was mostly spot on.

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Getting Non-Functional Requirements from Business People

As an architect in the world of software development, I’ve often encountered business stakeholders who, despite their expertise in their respective domains, find themselves out of depth when discussing the nitty-gritty of software requirements. The challenge isn’t their lack of understanding; it’s about bridging the gap between their business needs and the technical solutions we can provide.

In this blog post, I’ll share a couple of conversations starters for each of the ISO 25010 quality attributes (also known as non-functional requirements), which will eventually drive a lot of the software architecture and associated cost.

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