Exploring options for building REST APIs with C# and deploying to Azure

Somebody asked me, what is the difference between a C# REST API running as a Web App on an App Service as a container and a C# REST API running as a HTTP Function on an App Service or a Consumption Plan?

There are lots of aspects in this question, so let’s unpack this a bit first.

First, let’s talk about the various ways we can build REST APIs in .NET.
Then, we’ll talk about how you can deploy these, either as code or as a container.
Last, we’ll explore – if you end up with a container – which Azure service best fits your needs.

Building a REST API with .NET

Various options exist to build a REST API in .NET. From the structured and robust Controller-based APIs to the lean and efficient Minimal APIs, .NET provides solutions that fit every scale and complexity. For developers embracing serverless computing, HTTP Triggers in Azure Functions offer a lightweight, event-driven approach, while ASP.NET Core Integration in Azure Functions combines the best of serverless scalability with the power of ASP.NET Core’s middleware and dependency injection. Each approach is optimized for specific use cases, enabling you to design APIs that are performant, maintainable, and scalable.

AspectController-Based APIMinimal APIFunction with HTTP TriggerFunction with HTTP Trigger and ASP.NET Core Integration
EnvironmentASP.NET Core Web Server (Kestrel)ASP.NET Core Web Server (Kestrel)Azure Functions RuntimeAzure Functions Runtime + ASP.NET Core
StartupRuns with dotnet runRuns with dotnet runRuns with Azure Functions Core ToolsRuns with Azure Functions Core Tools
RoutingCentralized, attribute-driven ([Route], [HttpGet], [HttpPost])Centralized, handler-based via Map methodsFunction-level routing via triggersFunction-level routing via triggers
Application LifecycleWebApplication.CreateBuilder()WebApplication.CreateBuilder()FunctionsApplication.CreateBuilder();FunctionsApplication.CreateBuilder();
State ManagementApplication-wide state possibleApplication-wide state possibleStateless (external storage required)Application-wide state possible
Use CaseBest for complex or large APIsBest for lightweight, fast APIsLightweight, single-purpose endpointsServerless apps with full ASP.NET Core features

Link to the samples: https://github.com/woutervanranst/CSharpRestApis

Controller-Based API (Web App)

Microsoft Docs

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

var app = builder.Build();

public class HelloController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult Get()
        return Ok("Hello world");

Minimal API (Web App)

Microsoft Docs

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

var app = builder.Build();
app.MapGet("/", () => "Hello World!");


HTTP Trigger (Azure Function)

Microsoft Docs

var builder = FunctionsApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

public class HttpTriggerFunction
    public HttpResponseData Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequestData req,
        FunctionContext executionContext)
        var response = req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
        response.WriteString("Hello world");

        return response;

ASP.NET Core Integration (Azure Function)

Microsoft Docs

var builder = FunctionsApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

public class Function
    public IActionResult Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get")] HttpRequest req)
        return new OkObjectResult("Hello world");

Deploy to Azure as Code or deploy as Container

Both on App Service and Functions you have the option to deploy your code directly or as a container:

Options for Web App (App Service)
Options for Azure Functions (Functions Premium or App Service)

Code deployment is the ‘starter’ option; this is where you typically begin. As you enter more advanced scenarios, you’d typically go for a containerized deployment. It has advantages, but you’ll need to create a Dockerfile that describes the dependencies for your application, and probably additional steps in your CI/CD pipeline.

Advantages of Code Deployment

  • Simpler & cost effective setup, no need to manage Docker images.
  • OS & Platform updates are done for you.
  • Native integration with Azure’s managed runtime environments.
  • Best for smaller, straightforward applications with minimal custom requirements.

Advantages of Container Deployment

  • Environment Consistency: Containers ensure that the application runs consistently regardless of where it’s deployed (local development, staging, production). All dependencies, runtime versions, and configurations are packaged together in the container, reducing “it works on my machine” issues.
  • Portability: Containers allow you to move your application easily between cloud providers or from on-premises to Azure without significant changes. The same container image can run on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure App Service, or even another container runtime environment.
  • Custom Runtime and Dependencies: Containers allow you to use custom runtimes or versions of frameworks and libraries that may not be natively supported by Azure App Service or Azure Functions. You can include specific operating system dependencies, libraries, and tools that are not available in the default Azure environment.
  • Version Control: Container images are versioned and stored in container registries (e.g., Azure Container Registry), allowing you to manage rollbacks and updates more effectively.
  • Isolation: Containers provide isolated environments for each application or microservice, preventing conflicts between different applications deployed on the same platform.
  • Integration with CI/CD Pipelines: Containers integrate seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines, enabling automated builds, tests, and deployments through tools like Azure DevOps, GitHub Actions, or Jenkins. Container-based CI/CD pipelines ensure consistent environments from development to production.
  • Future Flexibility: If you plan to migrate to container orchestration solutions like AKS or another cloud, container deployments make this transition smoother.

In conclusion, use the code deployment for small-to-medium applications that need straightforward hosting. Use containerized deployment when you already have a container or require portability, flexibility, and when your application requires advanced orchestration (e.g., AKS, ACA, or hybrid cloud setups).

Container hosting options

So, eventually you’ll end up with an application in one or more containers. Before you proceed, do you need orchestration with that (scaling, different microservices that work together) or not?

Orchestration?ServiceBest ForAdvantagesLimitationsHosting options
Without OrchestrationAzure FunctionsEvent-driven, bursty, or sporadic traffic REST APIsAuto-scaling (to zero), cost-efficient, serverlessStateless, limited to event-driven workloadsServerless & Dedicated
Azure App ServicePredictable traffic, fully managed web apps/APIsBuilt-in CI/CD, SSL, logging, simplified scalingLimited customization, tied to HTTP(S) workloadsDedicated
Azure Container Instances (ACI)Short-lived, simple containerized workloadsFast deployment, pay-as-you-go pricingNo auto-scaling, limited scalabilityPer container
With OrchestrationAzure Container Apps (ACA)Moderate complexity, microservices, event-driven workloadsAuto-scaling, Dapr support, simpler orchestrationLess granular control compared to AKSServerless & Dedicated
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)Complex, large-scale, or multi-container orchestrationsFull Kubernetes flexibility, advanced customizationsHigh operational complexity, requires Kubernetes expertiseDedicated (VMs)

Typically, the serverless options provide low(er) cost and operational overhead but with limitations in performance and customization. The dedicated options provide a high(er) control and performance but require more management and incurs fixed costs.

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